The great Mark Twain once said ‘clothes maketh the man.’
And in 1896, Mark was bang on the money! The cut of your cloth made it eminently clear whether ye be a Butcher, Baker, Blacksmith, or, with the addition of a tweed jacket with leather patches, a more well-to-do Lord of the Manor. But it’s now 2022 and, as wise as Mark once was, the need for an outstanding personal brand online goes way beyond your wardrobe or, god forbid, your lack of socks!
In 2021 and beyond, the need for a magnificent online brand has never been more critical. The harsh reality is that it’s the difference between the life or death of your business. The power and predominance of your online brand today is the key critical element that will determine whether you’re going to be added to today’s consumer’s shopping list.
Here’s a challenge. It’s a simple one. It’ll cost you nothing, and it’s probably going to make you a fortune.
Simply: Ask your most trusted friend if he or she would employ you based simply on the strength of a simple Google search. Nothing else. Assuming they knew nothing about you, would they absolutely,100%, employ you ahead of anyone else based solely on your online brand?
While you’re wrestling with your conscience on whether to give me an honest answer – don’t worry, there’s only the 3 of us watching – now is the time for you and me to have a serious conversation about your online personal brand and the key steps you urgently need to take to secure your future.
I’ve been working on establishing my own personal brand since 1959, transitioning it to the online world starting in 2000. (Feel free to Google me!) I’d be happy to work with you in any of 3 ways to achieve a similar online presence. I can honestly say I haven’t spent more than $500 per year these last 10 years to generate the business I enjoy today, And it all comes from curating a great online brand presence.
There are just 3 questions for you to answer:
1. Would you like me to show you how to do it?
2. Would you like me to work hand in glove to create your awesome online brand with you?
3. Would you prefer me to do it all for you?
I met Peter in his capacity as an REIQ real estate trainer and have consulted with him on my own social media and digital marketing strategies. You don’t know what you don’t know about the online world, and Peter has given me great, easy to follow practical insights into the online world.
Peter is very personable, down to earth and happy to chat over a corona and a very interesting and easy to follow speaker.