How’s your AI going? Has it made life simpler for your EBU?  Are you using a PA or VA to keep your CRM in A1 condition?   Is your BDM testing the CTA on your CMA to ensure you get a solid ROI on your CTR?  Or does your CMO handl

I woke this morning to a Facebook friend request from what appeared to be an attractive young lady by the name of …

Offshoring elements of your business is a very real challenge and requires a significant shift in traditional mindsets for many of us.

In December 2009, Marketing genius Chris Brogan authored an excellent piece titled ‘If I were a Realtor’. I wrote about it and …

It’s probably the sentence asked most of every real estate agent in Australia. If not, It’s definitely on the podium with ‘Hows …

Join Peter Brewer and his guests Nigel Dalton – Social Scientist, Wayne Bucklar – Technologist and Offshoring Expert, and Hayley Mitchell – …

I think it was my recently departed Mum that first introduced me to the great old saying: “if you’re not part of …

Now I’m not saying every real estate business is ablaze with the same archaic ethos on how to treat their team members, but I can still see some burning embers and smouldering ashes on the horizon. And those embers and ashes need to be starved of the oxygen that fuels them, and some urgent back burning done, to prevent any future conflagration.

“Have you been flossing?” That irritating question gets posed by my long and faithful dentist every six months for as long as …

It’d be incredibly unkind of me to generalise the entire real estate profession as having a reputation for being cautious with their …

I’ve never been one to adhere to weary meaningless traditions just because that’s what they did in the good old days. Hey, if we all were inflexible to change, we’d be driving horses and carts to work and we’d have to trek to the thunder box in the back yard for our daily ablutions.

What do you do when the person who gave you the gift of life, the person who nurtured you, celebrated your successes …